Christa Mack


Feeling like you do not see physical changes at the rate you think you should? Feel like you have tried everything? Don't have the ability to spend countless hours at the gym every day? We are taking a deep dive into a recent topic on M2's Instagram to identify some simple changes in your daily life that can help you reach your goals without completely overhauling your current lifestyle.


Over the years, as our society has evolved, we have been able to reap the benefits of advanced technology: transportation, TV, etc. These advances come at a cost though, especially if weight loss and improved overall health are some of your goal(s).

As a result, modern society has become increasingly sedentary in our lifestyles; many jobs are seated at desks all day, time spent sitting while driving, watching TV, online shopping & delivery. Although these changes help create convenience in our lives, it has led to decreased movement in our daily life demands.


All the calories you burn in a day become your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). TDEE is further comprised of your 1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). 2. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), 3. Physical Activity Level (PAL.)


BMR is how many calories your body burns at rest. (Literally, if you were to do nothing and lay in bed all day, this is the number of calories the body uses as energy to carry out all of the natural processes.)

TEF is the number of calories required for your body to digest food.

PAL is the number of calories your body burns through movement. PAL makes up Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) and Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.

If someone had a similar body size and composition as you, there could be a difference in 2000 calories from the TDEE. HOW?! The MAXIMUM change variance in BMR is 20%, and then TEF adds about 6-12% of total calories burned... All that is left is PAL.


Exercise may not burn as many calories as you may think. In a study of high-intensity workouts, males burned an average of 20 calories per minute, and women ~13 calories per minute. If the training only lasted 15-20 minutes (even if in a CrossFit class), there is no significant impact on the total calories burned throughout the 24 hours of that day.

Most individuals are not professional athletes training 6+ hours a day, so this takes Exercise Activity Thermogenesis out of the equation and leaves NEAT as the final piece to the puzzle.


A study tracked caloric burn over average-sized males and showed the impact of TDEE and NEAT levels from various occupations in a typical 8-hour workday.

-Chair bound: ~280 calories

-Seated with ability to stand/move: -650 calories

Standing: ~860 calories

-Strenuous work: ~2250 calories

Let's break it down. How could there be THAT much of a gap?!

Let's take an average day. With an hour commute in total to and from work, a 9-5 job, an hour-long workout class (where often the workout is 20 minutes long after a strength portion), sleep 8 hours, spend time relaxing and or doing housework, etc., you spend that much of the day OUTSIDE the gym. A LOT of that day is spent within your occupation, so it is essential to recognize how we can implement changes in our current routine within our scope of control!


We are all different. We have different jobs, life demands, responsibilities, roles, and much more. Similarly, we have different goals within our health and fitness journey! Diving deeper into our individual goals can help us decipher if our NEAT is something worth thinking about.


Throughout our nutrition & fitness journey, a common phrase is, "remember your why." As cheesy as it sounds, it's necessary to self-reflect about our own TRUE goals and desires. Once we get a clearer vision for what we want, then it is possible to figure out what action steps can help us move in a positive direction towards our goals.

It's like driving a car on a long road trip. If you don't know the address or clear destination, you can't put it into the GPS or use a map to get there, and you would find yourself driving around aimlessly. The same thing goes for our health and fitness goals!


It does NOT mean you have to do a complete 180 overhaul on your life tomorrow because this is likely unrealistic and probably not sustainable. Still, it DOES help show that even a little action taken can be a step in a positive direction. Little by little, a little becomes a lot!

Some ideas to help you increase your NEAT without having to change your life by quitting your job and or overbooking your day(s) just for the sake of losing a few extra pounds (while also avoiding burnout):

- park in a farther spot in the parking lot

- walk around your office or home when on a phone call

- use a standing desk if available

- complete housework like laundry, cleaning, dishes

- spend some time playing with your kids and or pets

- set a reminder on your phone to stand up and walk around for a few minutes during the workday

- take a walk around your block (*bonus points if you do so after dinner to help aid in digestion, which could improve sleep. (It's a win-win!)

- take advantage of the summer weather by going for a bike ride, getting outside in nature, playing a summer sport, doing yard work, and more!

If you still feel like you are struggling to create tangible goals or action steps within your health and fitness journey, the M2 coaches are glad to help!